Tuesday 14 October 2014

Meet Woman fighter who leads battle against ISIS.

 The commander of the Peshmerga forces, dubbed the Peshmerga Princess, defending the besieged Syrian town of Kobane against IS advances is 40-year-old Mayssa Abdo, who uses the nom de guerre Narin Afrin. She has revealed: 'Thousands of civilians are still inside the town.
They can’t go anywhere – all around us is blocked'

The so-called holy warriors of IS – also known as Isis – will be humiliated by the fact that a woman is leading the stubborn fight against them, say their opponents. IS gunmen view women as little more than slaves so being killed by one will be doubly shameful.

Maajid Nawaz, the chairman of the counter-extremist Quilliam Foundation in London, wrote on Twitter: ‘Hero. Remember her name: Nalin Afrin. General commander of Kurdish forces defending city of Kobane against Isis scourge’.

The United Nations has warned of ‘another Srebenica massacre’ if Kobane falls.

Yesterday the 40-year-old Peshmerga commander issued a desperate plea to the world to arm her volunteer army.

Afrin – described as ‘beautiful, innocent and strong’ – wrote: ‘We will fight until the last bullet to save the civilians. It is a fight for all of us, a fight for freedom.

‘If you don’t help us, they will come for you one day.’
She begged the world to send anti-tank weapons, saying her fighters were being out-gunned by Islamic State’s American tanks – looted from the Iraqi army.

‘IS are using heavy weapons, especially tanks. Unfortunately we don’t have anti-tank weapons.

‘We are still defending the town, but our weapons are only very light and we have limited bullets,’
‘Please send us humanitarian aid and weapons now. Thousands of civilians are still inside the town.
‘They can’t go anywhere – all around us is blocked.’ She said...

See below, pictures of battle...

Yesterday on social media she was being lionised by supporters.


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